Friday, October 10, 2008

Cannot Brain Today

I really do have "The Dumb" today. With so much going on right now, I can barely think. The stock market is tanking, gas prices are falling, father-in-law had a heart attack, grandmother died, Pumpkin Fest is tomorrow, I have to pick up 42 pies, I have to pick up a tricked-out truck... I don't know if I want to be happy or sad.

The trip went well. I met my BFF's family. Interesting folks. They would frighten a lesser person. Next time I have to bring the uniform. The uniform consists of a hoodie, jeans and clean tennis shoes, pajama pants optional. I bought a bunch of Christmas stuff and some for myself. The trip was fun and I got to gamble, drink and eat foot-high pie. Really. FOOT HIGH PIE.

Oh, did I mention that yesterday, on our weekly excursion to the library, my wedding ring snagged on my bookbag sending the diamond flying through the air? Yeah. It. Sucked. Thank God it was insured.

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